Sunday, January 31, 2021

Unable to specify an include directory Issue #879 gradle gradle

For example a previous build was using Java 8, so the javaHome will be set to /usr/lib/jvm/zulu8-ca-amd64. But this directory does not even exist in the currently executing docker container, it seems to cause an exception and the build fails immediately. If you used the default Gradle wrapper option and then switched to the Gradle wrapper task configuration, changes you made in the task automatically update during the project import.

unable to get gradle home directory

After you load the project, IntelliJ IDEA enables the Gradle tool window. To add an include directory to a component, either the directory needs to be added as a source set , or a prebuilt library must be specified, and linked with an API dependency. I had to setup the Project SDK before selecting gradle path. Once that was set correctly, I had to choose "Use default gradle wrapper in "Import Project from Gradle" dialog. The preview part is set to the conjunction of preview flags of the module source sets. The source set module language level is set to the corresponding combination of sourceCompatibility property and --enable-preview flag.

Refreshing Eclipse (using Buildship)

As such, we want to add the Private folder to the list of search paths for the compiler. When defining a component, I should be able to define a directory to be added to the search path. Not all directories should be known as source sets to gradle. Before setting that option in I also killed all the existing daemons (./gradlew --status to list them). But $ ./gradlew clean build continued to failed until I added that option to disable daemon mode in config file.

Select a language that you want to use in your project. Click if you want to add other languages available via plugins. A pattern often found in native is to locate private headers side-by-side with the compilation unit and #include them via a relative path. Unfortunately, the working directory for the compiler is set to the Project.getProjectDir() which force you to specify the relative path from that point. This is counter-intuitive regarding the mentioned pattern. This shouldn't be hard to fix and could be easily done via a contribution.

Quick Start

In case you are using Mac, most probably your gradle home should be /usr/local/gradle-2.0 for example. But I need how to detect one because of some IDE wants me to define correspond path in configuration. I believe this issue would also happen for someone who only had Java 8 installed, ran Gradle 7. Uninstall Java 8, installed Java 11, and then tried to run Gradle again. Previously, this worked as expected, the existing daemon could not be reused because it was run from within a different container and has since exited. What it should be "ideally at" is not what needs to be answered.

unable to get gradle home directory

You can verify the problem is with Gradle scripts by running gradle help which executes configuration scripts, but no Gradle tasks. If the error persists, build configuration is problematic. If not, then the problem exists within the execution of one or more of the requested tasks .


Open .bash_profile (usually it's located in the user’s home directory). Not very helpful to post a path that only works with your username and particular version numbers. On Mojave (v10.14), Gradle v5.4, I had to append libexec after Gradle version for IntelliJ to work. This is handy when the path to Gradle's home changes, when Gradle is updated. The following video demonstrates how to debug an example build using IntelliJ IDEA. If you followed the installation instructions, and aren’t able to execute your Gradle build, here are some tips that may help.

unable to get gradle home directory

Name the new project and change its location if necessary. Currently, Gradle doesn't model any distinction between public headers, private headers and protected headers. The JVM already started modeling a similar behavior with exported API. It becomes especially challenging with transitive dependencies.

Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the location of your Java installation. Directory of your project and helps you eliminate any Gradle version problems. You can add a Gradle module to a project in which you are already working. If you need to adjust the Gradle settings options, refer to Gradle settings.

unable to get gradle home directory

Open the created file in the editor and add the VM options you need. Tool window shows the toolbar and a tree view of Gradle entities. If you have the offline mode enabled in your project, the opening or re-importing of the project might fail. To fix the issue, disable the offline mode and re-import your project. You can also create a Gradle project and store it in the WSL environment or open it from the WSL file system.

Troubleshooting daemon connection issues

Unfortunately, they don't grey out the input box for it - they merely indicate that it's disabled by the type of cursor that you have when you mouse over it. In addition, if you’ve adopted the Kotlin DSL, you can also debug build scripts themselves. Common dependency resolution issues such as resolving version conflicts are covered in Troubleshooting Dependency Resolution.

IntelliJ IDEA lets you use different options to configure a Gradle version for your Gradle project. You can use the default Gradle wrapper, use a Gradle wrapper as a task, or configure a local Gradle distribution. Field, by default, displays the name of your project to which you are trying to add a module. You can click to select a different name if you have other linked Gradle projects. Gradle distributions in wrapper/dists/ are checked for whether they are still in use, i.e. whether there’s a corresponding version-specific cache directory.Unused distributions are deleted. The following is a collection of common issues and suggestions for addressing them.

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